Alat Survey Total Station Sokkia IM 102 Di Gorontalo | Kota Palu

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Sokkia IM 105 Total Station – (Intelligent Measurement Total Station) incorporates all the features you need at a cost-efficient price. It will handle your most demanding survey layout or as-built project needs.
Tradition Meets Innovation
·         5″ Accuracy
·         Construction and Survey Application Software On Board
·         Best-in-Class Measuring Distance Feature
·         Dual Side Display Control Panel.
·         Reflectorless operation from 0.3m to 1000m.
·         IP66 – Strong Environmental Specification against Tough Sites
·         Integrated Bluetooth® technology
·         Up to 28 hours of battery life in Eco mode
·         Key buttons are illuminated to minimze mistakes.
·         Advanced security and maintainance with TSshield™
·         Internal memory has 50,000 points to record.

Key Features of Sokkia IM105 Reflectorless Total Station
With Sokkia IM-105 Total Station you get fast, accurate, and powerful EDM technology, best-in-class accuracy up to 6,000 meter with a prism and up to 1000 meter in reflectorless mode, and a battery life of up to 28 hours. The iM-100 series intelligent measurement station is ready to be your hardest worker out in the field.
Construction and Survey Application Software Reliable All-Round Total Station
Cross-Sectional Survey
By using the MLM (Missing Line Measurement) program, the height difference between points can be calculated. Also, you can save time on reflectorless mode to measure a number of points of variation in a large area.
Stake Out
The Guide Light function will navigate the prism operator to move to the stake out line quickly so that stake out operation can be done effectively.
Elevation Stake
Staking out with 3D coordinates, eliminates the need to set up TS on the straight line for all elevation stakes.
Boundary and Cadastral Survey
By using the Area function, you can calculate the area easily. Also, you can determine the center point of the column such as electric pole, which cannot be directly measured, by using offset calculation.
Coordinate Measurement
With coordinate measurement, you can manage 3D coordinate data so that various calculations such as Road, Layout and more can be determined. 3D coordinate data management can improve the productivity drastically.
Topographic Survey
The trigger key, or measuring distance key, helps you perform topography quickly while continuously viewing through the telescope. Also, the long distance measuring range reduces the number of the instrument changes for more efficient working time.
Improve Topography and Stake Out, with features to achieve faster and more efficient workflows
IoT Support System – Connect the Site and the Office
TSshield IoT Support System
  • Remotely update the firmware via the internet
  • Improves asset management by checking TS operating time
  • Remote Lock secures the instrument from theft.
  • Monitor TS heath status to enable quick reaction against any functionality issues
Superior Basic Feature will Expand Your Application
Strong Environmental Spec
The IP66 rating ensures durability for most any rough job site temperatures and conditions.
Long Hours Operation
One battery lasts up to 28 hours, or about four days of normal operation time.
Bright Illumination Key for Nighttime Work
Key buttons are illuminated to minimize mistakes.
Reliable Large Volume Memory
Internal memory has 50,000 points to record.
USB memory can be used up to 32GB.
Japan Quality Products
We perform the tough environmental tests to ensure long-term operation even under the rough site environments. Sokkia iM 100 Series total stations are thoroughly inspected with dust-proof and water-proof test chambers.
In addition, the various tests against vibration, drop, temperature, and humidity were successfully passed to achieve the best environmental spec. Also, the measuring distance accuracy test on base line and the instrument leveling and angle accuracy test and adjustment by collimator system ensure your satisfaction on iM Series product quality.

Kelengkapan :
1x Prisma Single
1x Prisma Polygon
1x Pole
2x Tripod

Barang Yang Kami Jual Terjamin Kualitasnya & Tidak Menjual Barang Second.

Info Alat Ukur Tanah/ Alat survey pemetaan  |  Indosurta Manado
Jual | Sewa | Service | Kalibrasi |
Branch Office : Perumahan Griya Paniki Indah Jl. Dahlia Raya III No. 5, Mapanget
Manado - Sulawesi Utara
Hp/WA :  0823 1540 8392 ( Telkomsel ) Aan Sutisna
Telp : 0431 - 7242176
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